As a child, Kirk loved helping out on the farm. After attending Northwest Missouri State University and majoring in Ag Business, he returned to the farm to help in the day to day operations, with his father, Kenneth, and grandfather, Paul. His passion for the animals has helped sustain the longevity & the legacy of Highland Farms and Cattle Co.
As a child, Kirk loved helping out on the farm. After attending Northwest Missouri State University and majoring in Ag Business, he returned to the farm to help in the day to day operations, with his father, Kenneth, and grandfather, Paul. His passion for the animals has helped sustain the longevity & the legacy of Highland Farms and Cattle Co.
The Highland Farms legacy began with Sam Smith in 1918. In 1944 Sam, along with his son, Paul, joined the Angus Association and started putting together the best registered cows they could find. His focus was to raise high quality beef that his family and the every day consumer could enjoy. Many years have gone by since Sam first got into the cattle business. In fact, his great-great grandson is his namesake! We still have the same goal to raise a safe, wholesome high-quality product just like Grandpa Sam did, 5 generations ago.
Today, the Highland Farms legacy continues with Sam Smith's great-grandson Kirk. Helping in the daily work is his wife, Susie, and their three children, Cora, Sam, and Josie.
We focus on the structural framework in Angus genetics by breeding our cows with high marbling bulls. We have established a strong foundation of cows to be able to raise and sell bulls to our customers who are wanting to gain some of those added premiums at the packing plants.